Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A new step....

I am so excited about new opportunities that are on my horizon. I am now writing the blog posts for the Detroit SmugMug group. I am ever so excited about this. I love to be involved in the very fabric of this group. It is full of life and photography - two things I really love. I have such a great time in a safe, friendly environment with new photography friends.

I just posted my first blog post with the help of my awesome husband Aaron Grayhek (Thanks babe!), and I am looking forward to so many more. You can check it out:  http://detroitsmugmug.blogspot.com/

I decided to also start blogging about all the wonderful meetings that we have with the people that cross our paths in photography and tell their story with pictures and words. There are so many beautiful stories that go untold. I have the privilege to capture the small moments and express them unlike ever before. I look forward to sharing these moments and much more.

We have weddings, newborns, mama's-to-be, seniors, families, and so many more photo shoots coming up that we get to share. Each photo has a story, and we look forward to telling it to you! And maybe we can tell your story too...... 

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