Sunday, January 30, 2011

Baby Frederick

Child birth is a difficult endeavor by itself, but truth be told the first few weeks after the birth, filled with the excitement of bonding time is also some of the most challenging for a new mother.  The maternal instinct to cherish every new expression and laugh, it would seem is amplified with every hour of lost sleep.  Michelle is one of the lucky ones, able to get more rest than the average new mother but even though she does a good job of not letting on, I am quite sure that she has contemplated, (like many new born mothers), extreme measures to get a little time to herself.  If anything I’m sure it would be a relief, as it was for all of us mothers, just to get back to somewhat of a familiar routine.  This is why I was so excited to share in this special time with her adorable baby boy Frederick.  What word can I use to describe him, but perfect.  Full of life and expressive already at 29 days old he put up with all of our prodding and nudging, while trying to get the right pose that captures his fantastic strong form, adorable cheeks, and baby soft skin. With a couple feedings between, and an hour and half later, he finally had enough of our love and was out for the count. Michelle, you are a wonderful mother and you have done a fantastic job with your children and we thank you for letting us be apart of your life and look forward to so much more!!! Be Blessed!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A new step....

I am so excited about new opportunities that are on my horizon. I am now writing the blog posts for the Detroit SmugMug group. I am ever so excited about this. I love to be involved in the very fabric of this group. It is full of life and photography - two things I really love. I have such a great time in a safe, friendly environment with new photography friends.

I just posted my first blog post with the help of my awesome husband Aaron Grayhek (Thanks babe!), and I am looking forward to so many more. You can check it out:

I decided to also start blogging about all the wonderful meetings that we have with the people that cross our paths in photography and tell their story with pictures and words. There are so many beautiful stories that go untold. I have the privilege to capture the small moments and express them unlike ever before. I look forward to sharing these moments and much more.

We have weddings, newborns, mama's-to-be, seniors, families, and so many more photo shoots coming up that we get to share. Each photo has a story, and we look forward to telling it to you! And maybe we can tell your story too......