Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lindsay & Riaan ~ romantic winterlude

A love story in motion can hardly describe this beautiful couple we had the privilege of capturing on a cold snowy day. Although it was frosty and there was a chilly breeze blowing, there was a sweet warm love in the air that was beyond evident when Lindsay and Riaan were together. Every time he looked at her you could see his deep admiration; and the way she looked at him when they locked eyes. One could tell just by looking at them, they are madly in love. We followed them with our lens watching as they playfully interacted and talked to each other while catching moments between. Her smile melted him and he could only help to smile back and she could just look back up at him and he would laugh.  They matched in more than their attire but also in their personalities – so well suited for each other and so obviously in love. We look forward to the wedding and so much more……